Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The conditional split metadata most recently added configures a single output
named "Changed Rows" and assigns an SSIS expression designed to detect changes
in rows that exist in both the Source and Destination tables.
The final component in our Data Flow task is an OLE DB Destination adapter de-
signed to stage rows that will be updated after the data flow completes execution. Im-
mediately following the </ConditionalSplit> tag, add an OleDbDestination
node with the following attribute name and value pairs.
Name : stgUpdates
ConnectionName : SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
Inside the <OleDbDestination> tag, add a new node named InputPath with an
attribute named OutputPathName and the value set to "Filter.Changed
Rows" . Immediately thereafter, add a node named ExternalTableOutput that includes a
Table attribute set to "dbo.stgUpdates" . This metadata defines an OLE DB
Destination adapter that connects the Changed Rows output of the conditional split
named Filter to a table named dbo.stgUpdates in the database defined by the
SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest connection defined previously.
The complete Data Flow task metadata is shown in Listing 19-12 .
Listing 19-12 . The Completed Dataflow XML Node
<Dataflow Name="Load tblDest">
<Input OutputPathName="Truncate stgUpdates.Output"
<OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source"
<ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />
<Lookup Name="Correlate"
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