Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 19-3 . A Biml-generated SSIS package
Building a Basic Incremental Load SSIS
The incremental load pattern is fundamental in data integration solutions; especially
Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) solutions. Biml provides a mechanism for codify-
ing the incremental load pattern in a repeatable fashion.
Creating Databases and Tables
Let's prepare for this demo by building a couple databases and tables. Execute the T-
SQL statements from Listing 19-5 to build and populate the test databases and tables.
Listing 19-5 . Building and Populating Demo Databases and Tables
Use master
If Not Exists(Select name
From sys.databases
Where name = 'SSISIncrementalLoad_Source')
CREATE DATABASE [SSISIncrementalLoad_Source]
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