Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<Package Name="TestBimlPackage"
<ExecuteSQL Name="Test Select">
<DirectInput>Select 1 As One</DirectInput>
To test, save the file and generate the SSIS package from BimlScript.biml in
Solution Explorer. (Generate the package by right-clicking on the Biml file and select-
ing Generate SSIS Packages from the context-sensitive menu). Do you get an error
similar to that displayed in Figure 19-2 ? You should get such an error.
Figure 19-2 . Missing ConnectionName attribute
The Business Intelligence Markup Language engine includes validation functional-
ity and it caught the error in Figure 19-2 . You can invoke a validation from Solution
Explorer; simply right-click BimlScript.biml and then click Check Biml For Er-
To fix the error, we need to add a ConnectionName attribute to the Ex-
ecuteSQL tag. But we don't have a connection specified at this time. To create a con-
nection, return to the top of BimlScript.biml and add a new line just after the
Biml tag and before the Packages tag. On this line, add the Connections XML
node. Inside the <Connections> and </Connections> tags, add a Connection
XML node. A Connection XML node requires two attributes, Name and Connec-
tionString . I created a connection to the AdventureWorks2012 database on the de-
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