Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Save the file, right-click BimlScript.biml in Solution Explorer, and then click
Generate SSIS Packages. Figure 19-1 shows that a new SSIS package named
TestBimlPackage.dtsx is created in the project and file system. The package
shows up in Solution Explorer as part of this project.
Figure 19-1 . TestBimlPackage.dtsx
Let's return to the BimlScript.biml file and add a task. Create a new XML
node beneath the <Package> tag named Tasks . Between the <Tasks> and
</Tasks> tags, add a new node named ExecuteSQL .
Tip If you are not seeing IntelliSense with Biml, follow this link: ht-
for Biml IntelliSense configuration instructions.
Add an attribute to the ExecuteSQL root node named Name and set its value to
“Test Select” . Create a new XML node between the <ExecuteSQL> and
</ExecuteSQL> tags named DirectInput . Between the <DirectInput>
and </DirectInput> tags, add the T-SQL statement Select 1 As One . If you are
playing along at home, your BimlScript.biml file should look like Listing 19-3 .
Listing 19-3 . Biml After Adding Initial Metadata Describing an Execute SQL Task
<Biml xmlns=" ">
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