Database Reference
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SELECT [object_name], start_time, end_time, [status],
[value] =
when [status] = 1 then N'Created'
when [status] = 2 then N'Running'
when [status] = 3 then N'Canceled'
when [status] = 4 then N'Failed'
when [status] = 5 then N'Pending'
when [status] = 6 then N'Unexpected Termination'
when [status] = 7 then N'Succeeded'
when [status] = 8 then N'Stopping'
when [status] = 9 then N'Completed'
FROM [catalog].[operations]
WHERE [operation_id] = @LastDeployment_id
Package Deployment Model
SSIS projects created in SQL Server 2012 will default to the Project Deployment
Model, but some users may want to continue using the Package Deployment Model
from SQL Server 2005 and 2008. You can convert from the Project Deployment Model
to the Package Deployment Model in Visual Studio by right clicking on the project
name in Solution Explorer, and selecting Convert to Package Deployment Model (as
shown in Figure 18-4 ). Projects that were originally created in previous versions of
SQL Server will automatically start off in the Package Deployment Model when you
open them in SSDT-BI.
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