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bound to server environment variables will be resolved auto-
matically. To get the ID for an environment, query for its name
in the [catalog].[environments ] view in SSISDB.
Example: /Env 20
Listing 17-4 provides an example of running a package ( MyPackage.dtsx ) con-
tained within a project ( ETLProject ) in a folder ( MyFolder ) on a remote SSIS
Catalog server ( ETLServer ). It sets the values for two parameters— BatchNumber ,
an integer parameter defined at the project level, and HostName , a string parameter
defined at the package level. It also sets the SYNCHRONIZED server option to True ,
which tells DTEXEC to run in a synchronous mode—more details on synchronous vs.
asynchronous execution will come in the following pages.
Listing 17-4 . Running Packages Within an SSIS Catalog Using DTEXEC
C:\>dtexec.exe /Ser ETLServer /IS
\SSISDB\MyFolder\ETLProject\MyPackage.dtsx /Par
$Project::BatchNumber;432 /Par
$Package::HostName;localhost /Par
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 12.0.2000.8 for 64-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Started: 4:46:44 PM
Execution ID: 4.
To view the details for the execution, right-click on the
Integration Services Catalog, and open the [All
Executions] report
Started: 4:46:44 PM
Finished: 4:49:45 PM
Elapsed: 3 seconds
Note You must use Windows Authentication to connect to your SQL Server instance
when you are running packages contained in an SSIS Catalog. The /User and
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