Database Reference
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ues, you should not include the name of the property—you only specify the name of the
parameter itself.
Projects in the SSIS Catalog
DTEXEC has been extended in SQL Server 2012 to support running packages con-
tained within an SSIS Catalog. Unlike other execution modes, when running a package
from a catalog, the execution takes place on the SSIS Catalog's server and not by the
DTEXEC process. In this mode, you will use the /ISServer command-line option to
specify the path to the package you want to run, the /Parameter option to set para-
meter values, and the /EnvReference option if you wish to run your package in a
specific server environment. Table 17-2 contains a full list of command-line options for
SSIS Catalog-based execution with DTEXEC.
Table 17-2 . DTEXEC Command-Line Options for the SSIS Catalog
Ser[ver]= server_instance
The name of the SQL instance containing the SSIS Catalog. If
this option is not specified, the default instance on the loc-
alhost is assumed.
Example: /Ser ETLSERVER1
IS[Server]= path_to_package
The path of the package in the SSIS Catalog. This will contain
the name of the catalog (SSISDB), the folder name, the project
name, and the name of the package you want to run. This op-
tion cannot be used with the /DTS , /SQL , or /FILE options.
Example: /IS
Set a value for the given parameter. Include the namespace of
the parameter along with the name to distinguish parameter
scope ( $Project for project level parameters, $Package
for package level parameters, $CM for connection manager
properties, and $ServerOption for server specific op-
tions). If the namespace is not included, the parameter is as-
sumed to be at the package scope.
Example: /Par $Project::BatchNumber;432
Env[Reference]= environment_id
This option allows you to specify a server environment to use
when running a package. Any parameter values that have been
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