Database Reference
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Clicking the Add button allows you to select a parameter-once a parameter is added, it
will appear in all configurations in the solution. The Remove button will remove the
selected parameter from configurations (which means it will always have the same de-
fault value at design time). The Sync button will apply the same value to all configura-
tions—use this button as a shortcut when you're sure that the parameter's default value
should change across all configurations. Currently you can only add package paramet-
ers and project parameters to Visual Studio configurations, but they are configured
from separate dialogs. To manage project-level parameters, click the Add Parameters to
Configurations button from the Project Parameters designer ( Project.params ). To
manage a connection manager's settings with Visual Studio configurations, you will
first need to parameterize the Connection Manager. Shared connection managers can-
not be configured using Visual Studio configurations.
Figure 17-9 . The Manage Parameter Values dialog displays all parameters currently set via configurations
Note When a parameter is controlled by Visual Studio configurations, its value is
saved out to the Visual Studio project file ( .dtproj ). Be sure to save the project file
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