Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Expression Language Patterns
The expression language in SSIS might appropriately be referred to as the glue that
holds the product together. Expressions in SSIS provide a relatively simple and easy-to-
use interface to allow data developers to introduce dynamic logic into the ETL infra-
structure. When you think through the various moving parts within Integration Services,
you'll likely discover that you can manipulate all of them in one way or another by us-
ing expressions.
Expressions provide a fast, effective, and, dare I say, fun way to solve specific ETL
challenges. In this chapter, we'll look into some of the basics of the expression language
and I'll describe a few instances where SSIS expressions are ideal (and a few where they
might not be) for effectively solving difficult ETL problems.
Before we dive into the design patterns surrounding the SSIS expression language, let's
spend a little time defining and becoming familiar with the nuances of the language.
Reviewing the language-specific patterns can help you get up to speed and use the lan-
guage correctly.
What Is the Expression Language?
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