Database Reference
In-Depth Information
44,Emma Grace,15
55,Riley Cooper,16
You can read header rows a few different ways. In this solution, we utilize one Flat
File connection manager and one data flow to parse the header row of the data. We rely
heavily on Script component logic for parsing and buffering operations.
Begin by creating a new SSIS package. I named mine ParseFileHead-
er.dtsx .
Add a Data Flow task and open the Data Flow Task Editor. Add a Flat File source
adapter and open its editor. Use the New button to create a new Flat File connection
manager aimed at MyFileHeaderSource.csv . Uncheck the Column Names in the
First Data Row checkbox. Be sure to click the Advanced page of the Connection Man-
ager Editor and change the names of Column 0 and Column 1 to ID and Name , re-
Close the Connection Manager and Source Adapter Editors and drag a Script com-
ponent onto the data flow canvas. When prompted, select Transformation as the use of
this Script component. Open the Script Component Editor and change the Name prop-
erty to scr Parse Header and Data . Click the Input Columns page and select
both columns ( ID and Name ). Click on the Inputs and Outputs page. Rename Output 0
to Header and change the SynchronousInputID property to None . Expand the
Header output and click the Output Columns virtual folder. Click the Add Column but-
ton, name it ExtractDateTime , and change the data type to database timestamp
[DT_DBTIMESTAMP] . Click the Add Column button again, name this new column
RowCount , and leave the data type set to the default (four-byte signed integer
Click the Add Output button and name this new output Data . Expand the output
virtual folder and select the Output Columns virtual folder. As you did for the header
output, create two columns with the following properties:
ID, four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
Name, string [DT_STR]
Return to the Script page and set the ScriptLanguage property to Microsoft
Visual Basic 2012 . Click the Edit Script button. When the editor opens, add a
variable declaration at the top of the class (see Listing 7-4 ) .
Listing 7-4 . Adding iRowNum Integer Variable
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