Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's begin with a simple flat file source. You can copy and paste the data below into a
text editor such as Notepad and save it as MyFlatFile.csv :
A,Simple One,11
B,Simple Two,22
C,Simple Three,33
A,Simple Four,44
C,Simple Five,55
B,Simple Six,66
The column names are in the first row. This is convenient, but you don't always get
column names in the first row—or anywhere inside a source flat file, for that matter.
Before leaving the setup phase of our demo project, let's create a database named
StagingDB that we can use as a destination. I use the re-executable T-SQL script in
Listing 7-1 to create the StagingDB database.
Listing 7-1 . Create StagingDB
use master
If Not Exists(Select name
From sys.databases
Where name='StagingDB')
print 'Creating StagingDB database'
Create Database StagingDB
print 'StagingDB database created'
print 'StagingDb database already exists.'
Execute this script on a server you can use for testing and development. Now
you're all set to begin building the demo!
Moving to SSIS!
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