Database Reference
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nSelectClick ). The code defaults the name of the server to “localhost”. The user
can change it before clicking the Connect button. Once the button is clicked, the code
calls btnConnectClick .
The btnConnectClick subroutine creates objects for the Server, Integration
Services, and Catalog objects in the model. Next, it builds a hierarchy of four levels of
nodes starting with the catalog. The variables— L1Node , L2Node , L3Node , and
L4Node — represent the Catalog, Folder, Project, and Package levels of the hierarchy.
The code uses a series of nested For Each loops to iterate the SSIS Catalog and popu-
late the subnodes under L1Node (Catalog), and then the L1Node is added to the
tvCatalog treeview.
The btnSelectClick subroutine builds a string the represents the unique path
to the SSIS package in the catalog hierarchy. The code checks to see if a node is selec-
ted and then checks to see if the selected node is at the package level. If all is right with
the treeview, the variable sFullSSISPkgPath is populated with the path to the
SSIS package in the catalog. Immediately thereafter, the frmISTree form closes. Users
can also double-click on a package node in the treeview and invoke the bt-
nSelectClick subroutine.
Execute the application to test it! You should see results as in Figure 2-12 .
Figure 2-12 . Executing a package from the file system
Selection of a package in the SSIS Catalog appears as shown in Figure 2-13 .
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