Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-9 . The frmMain controls layout
In the SSIS Package in the Catalog group box, add five labels, five textboxes, and
two buttons. Change the Text properties of the labels to Server: , Catalog: , Folder: ,
Project: , and Package: . Position each text box to the right of each labels and name
them txtSSISCatalogServer , txtCatalog , txtFolder , txtCatalogProject , and txtCata-
logPackage , respectively. Name one of the buttons btnOpenSSISPkgInCatalog and
set its Text property to “...”. Name the other button btnStartCatalog and set its Text
property to Start .
Add a text box beneath the SSIS Package in the Catalog group box. Name it tx-
tStatus , set the MultiLine property to True , BackColor to ButtonFace , and the
BorderStyle to None . Position the controls similar to the way shown in Figure 2-9 .
Finally, add a FileOpenDialog control to the form, leaving it configured to de-
It will likely surprise no one to learn that I was first exposed to design patterns
while a software developer. The pattern I use in this application puts a minimum
amount of code behind the form. The code that is in the form calls code in a form-spe-
cific module. You can view the code for frmMain by right-clicking frmMain in Solu-
tion Explorer and selecting View Code. Replace the code displayed with the following:
' frmMain code
' I use a Helper Pattern when developing interfaces.
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