Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
For a description of further flags, options, and configurations, we refer
you to the SDK documentation.
BackBufferWidth —Width of the back buffer surface in pixels
BackBufferHeight —Height of the back buffer surface in pixels
BackBufferFormat —Pixel format of the back buffer (e.g., 32-bit
pixel format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 )
BackBufferCount —The number of back buffers to use. Usually
we specify “1” to indicate that we want only one back buffer.
MultiSampleType —The type of multisampling to use with the
back buffer. See SDK documentation for details.
MultiSampleQuality —The quality level of multisampling. See
SDK documentation for details.
SwapEffect —A member of the D3DSWAPEFFECT enumerated
type that specifies how the buffers in the flipping chain will be
swapped. Specifying D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD is the most
hDeviceWindow —The window handle associated with the device.
Specify the application window onto which you want to draw.
Windowed —Specify true to run in windowed mode or false for
full-screen mode.
EnableAutoDepthStencil —Set to true to have Direct3D cre-
ate and maintain the depth/stencil buffer automatically.
AutoDepthStencilFormat —The format of the depth/stencil
buffer (e.g., 24-bit depth with 8 bits reserved for the stencil buffer:
D3DFMT_D24S8 ).
Flags —Some additional characteristics. Specify zero (no flags) or
a member of the D3DPRESENTFLAG set. See the documentation for
a complete list of valid flags. Two common ones are:
the back buffer can be locked. Note that using a lockable back
buffer can degrade performance.
that the depth/stencil buffer will be discarded after the next
back buffer is presented. By “discard” we mean just that—the
depth/stencil buffer memory will be discarded or invalid. This
can improve performance.
FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz —Refresh rate; use the default
refresh rate by specifying D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT .
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