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vector v . The product vX results in a new transformed vector v .For
example, if X represented a 10-unit translation on the x-axis and v =
[2, 6, -3, 1], the product vX = v = [12, 6, -3, 1].
A few things need to be clarified. We use 4 4 matrices because
that particular size can represent all the transformations that we need.
A3 3 may at first seem more suitable to 3D. However, there are many
types of transformations that we would like to use that we cannot
describe with a 3 3 matrix, such as translations, perspective projec-
tions, and reflections. Remember that we are working with a vector-
matrix product, and so we are limited to the rules of matrix
multiplication to perform transformations. Augmenting to a 4 4 matrix
allows us to describe more transformations with a matrix and the
defined vector-matrix multiplication.
We said that we place the coordinates of a point or the components
of a vector into the columns of a 1 4 row vector. But our points and
vectors are 3D! Why are we using 1 4 row vectors? We must augment
our 3D points/vectors to 4D row vectors in order to make the vector-
matrix product defined—the product of a 1 3 row vector and a 4 4
matrix is not defined.
So then, what do we use for the fourth component, which, by the
way, we denote as w ? When placing points ina1 4 row vector, we set
the w component to 1. This allows translations of points to work cor-
rectly. Because vectors have no location, the translation of vectors is
not defined, and attempting to translate a vector results in a meaning-
less vector. In order to prevent translation on vectors, we set the w
component to 0 when placing vectors into a 1 4 row vector. For exam-
ple, the point p =( p 1 , p 2 , p 3 ) would be placed in a row vector as
[ p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , 1], and the vector v =( v 1 , v 2 , v 3 ) would be placed in a row
vector as [ v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , 0].
Note: We set w = 1 to allow points to be translated correctly, and
we set w = 0 to prevent translations on vectors. This is made clear
when we examine the actual translation matrix.
Note: The augmented 4D vector is called a homogenous vector and
because homogeneous vectors can describe points and vectors, we use
the term “vector,” knowing that we may be referring to either points or
Sometimes a matrix transformation we define changes the w compo-
nent of a vector so that w 0 and w 1. Consider the following:
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