Game Development Reference
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The effect file is implemented as follows:
// File: light_tex.txt
// Desc: Effect file that handles device states for lighting
and texturing a 3D model.
// Globals
matrix WorldMatrix;
matrix ViewMatrix;
matrix ProjMatrix;
texture Tex;
// Sampler
// Associated the texture 'Tex' with the texture stage 'S0'
// corresponds with and also set the sampler states for the sampler
// stage 'S0' corresponds with.
sampler S0 = sampler_state
Texture = (Tex);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
// Effect
technique LightAndTexture
pass P0
// Set misc. render states.
pixelshader = null; // No pixel shader.
vertexshader = null; // No vertex shader.
fvf = XYZ | Normal | Tex1; // Flexible vertex format
= true;
// Enable lighting.
NormalizeNormals = true;
// Renormalize normals.
= false; // Disable specular highlights.
// Set transformation states
= (WorldMatrix);
= (ViewMatrix);
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