Game Development Reference
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Texture Tex;
sampler S0 = sampler_state
Texture = (Tex);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
Here we have associated the texture Tex with the texture stage that
S0 corresponds with and also set the sampler states for the sampler
stage that S0 corresponds with. We have set all this directly and cleanly
in the effect file!
19.2.3 Vertex and Pixel Shader Objects
The vertexshader and pixelshader HLSL intrinsic types repre-
sent vertex and pixel shaders, respectively. They are used in the effects
framework to refer to the particular vertex and/or pixel shader that is
to be used for a particular rendering pass. A vertexshader and/or
pixelshader type can be set from the application through the
ID3DXEffect interface with the ID3DXEffect::SetVertex-
Shader and ID3DXEffect::SetPixelShader methods, respec-
tively. For example, let Effect be a valid ID3DXEffect object, let VS
be a valid IDirect3DVertexShader9 object, and let VSHandle be a
D3DXHANDLE that refers to a vertexshader object in the effect file;
then we can initialize the vertex shader that VSHandle refers to by
Effect->SetVertexShader(VSHandle, VS);
We look at SetVertexShader and SetPixelShader more when we
examine how to set variables in the effect file from the application.
Alternatively, we can write the vertex and/or pixel shader directly
into the effect file. Then using a special compiling syntax, we can set a
shader variable. The following example illustrates how to initialize a
pixelshader variable ps .
// Define Main:
OUTPUT Main(INPUT input){...}
// Compile Main:
pixelshader ps = compile ps_2_0 Main();
Observe that after the compile keyword we specify the version name,
followed by the shader's entry point function. Note that when using this
style to initialize a vertex/pixel shader object, the entry point function
must be defined in the effect file.
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