Game Development Reference
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bool ” vector contains the results of each compared component. For
vectoru={1.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f, 1.0f};
vector v = {-4.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
vectorb=(u==v);//b=(false, true, false, true)
Finally, we conclude by discussing variable promotions with binary
For binary operations, if the left side and right side differ in dimen-
sion, the side with the smaller dimension is promoted (cast) to
have the same dimension as the side with the larger dimension. For
example, if x is of type float and y is of type float3 ,inthe
expression (x+y) the variable x is promoted to float3 and the
expression evaluates to a value of type float3 . The promotion is
done using the defined cast. In this case we are casting scalar-to-
vector; therefore, after x is promoted to float3 , x = (x, x,
x) , as the scalar-to-vector cast defines. Note that the promotion is
not defined if the cast is not defined. For example, we can't pro-
mote float2 to float3 because there exists no such defined
For binary operations, if the left side and right side differ in type,
then the side with the lower type resolution is promoted (cast) to
have the same type as the side with the higher type resolution. For
example, if x is of type int and y is of type half , in the expres-
sion (x+y) the variable x is promoted to a half and the expres-
sion evaluates to a value of type half .
16.6 User-Defined Functions
Functions in HLSL have the following properties:
Functions use a familiar C++ syntax.
Parameters are always passed by value.
Recursion is not supported.
Functions are always inlined.
Furthermore, HLSL adds some extra keywords that can be used with
functions. For example, consider the following function written in
bool foo(in const bool b, // input bool
out int r1,
// output int
inout float r2)
// input/output float
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