Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10
Meshes Part I
We have already worked with the ID3DXMesh interface using the
D3DXCreate* routines; in this chapter we examine this interface in
more detail. This chapter is largely a survey of the data and methods
related to the ID3DXMesh interface.
Take note that the ID3DXMesh interface inherits the majority of its
functionality from its parent, ID3DXBaseMesh . This is important to
know because other mesh interfaces such as ID3DXPMesh (progres-
sive mesh) also inherit from ID3DXBaseMesh . Therefore the topics
covered in this chapter are also relevant when working with other
mesh types.
To learn the internal data organization of an ID3DXMesh object
To learn how to create an ID3DXMesh
To learn how to optimize an ID3DXMesh
To learn how to render an ID3DXMesh
10.1 Geometry Info
The ID3DXBaseMesh interface contains a vertex buffer that stores the
vertices of the mesh and an index buffer that defines how these verti-
ces are put together to form the triangles of the mesh. We can get a
pointer to these buffers using the following methods:
Here is an example of how these methods are used:
IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* vb = 0;
Mesh->GetVertexBuffer( &vb );
IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* ib = 0;
Mesh->GetIndexBuffer( &ib );
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