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to be a bit hazy. The goal behind the fuzzy fingerprint technique is to generate
a host key with a fingerprint that looks similar enough to the original finger-
print to fool the human eye.
The openssh package provides tools to retrieve the host key from servers.
reader@hacking:~ $ ssh-keyscan -t rsa > loki.hostkey
# SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.9p1
reader@hacking:~ $ cat loki.hostkey ssh-rsa
reader@hacking:~ $ ssh-keygen -l -f loki.hostkey
1024 ba:06:7f:d2:b9:74:a8:0a:13:cb:a2:f7:e0:10:59:a0
reader@hacking:~ $
Now that the host key fingerprint format is known for
(loki), fuzzy fingerprints can be generated that look similar. A program that
does this has been developed by Rieck and is available at http://www.thc
.org/thc-ffp/. The following output shows the creation of some fuzzy finger-
prints for (loki).
reader@hacking:~ $ ffp
Usage: ffp [Options]
-f type Specify type of fingerprint to use [Default: md5]
Available: md5, sha1, ripemd
-t hash Target fingerprint in byte blocks.
Colon-separated: 01:23:45:67... or as string 01234567...
-k type Specify type of key to calculate [Default: rsa]
Available: rsa, dsa
-b bits Number of bits in the keys to calculate [Default: 1024]
-K mode Specify key calulation mode [Default: sloppy]
Available: sloppy, accurate
-m type Specify type of fuzzy map to use [Default: gauss]
Available: gauss, cosine
-v variation Variation to use for fuzzy map generation [Default: 7.3]
-y mean Mean value to use for fuzzy map generation [Default: 0.14]
-l size Size of list that contains best fingerprints [Default: 10]
-s filename Filename of the state file [Default: /var/tmp/ffp.state]
-e Extract SSH host key pairs from state file
-d directory Directory to store generated ssh keys to [Default: /tmp]
-p period Period to save state file and display state [Default: 60]
-V Display version information
No state file /var/tmp/ffp.state present, specify a target hash.
reader@hacking:~ $ ffp -f md5 -k rsa -b 1024 -t ba:06:7f:d2:b9:74:a8:0a:13:cb:a2:f7:e0:10:59:a0
Initializing Crunch Hash: Done
Initializing Fuzzy Map: Done
Initializing Private Key: Done
Initializing Hash List: Done
Initializing FFP State: Done
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