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statement b = a / 5 will result in the value of 2 being stored in b , since that's
the integer portion of it. Floating-point variables must be used to retain the
more correct answer of 2.6.
b = a + 5
b = a - 5
b = a * 5
b = a / 5
Modulo reduction %
b = a % 5
To get a program to use these concepts, you must speak its language. The
C language also provides several forms of shorthand for these arithmetic oper-
ations. One of these was mentioned earlier and is used commonly in for loops.
Full Expression
i = i + 1
i++ or ++i Add 1 to the variable.
i = i - 1
i-- or --i Subtract 1 from the variable.
These shorthand expressions can be combined with other arithmetic
operations to produce more complex expressions. This is where the differ-
ence between i++ and ++i becomes apparent. The first expression means
Increment the value of i by 1 after evaluating the arithmetic operation , while the
second expression means Increment the value of i by 1 before evaluating the
arithmetic operation . The following example will help clarify.
int a, b;
a = 5;
b = a++ * 6;
At the end of this set of instructions, b will contain 30 and a will contain 6,
since the shorthand of b = a++ * 6; is equivalent to the following statements:
b = a * 6;
a = a + 1;
However, if the instruction b = ++a * 6; is used, the order of the addition
to a changes, resulting in the following equivalent instructions:
a = a + 1;
b = a * 6;
Since the order has changed, in this case b will contain 36, and a will still
contain 6.
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