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-=-={ New Player Registration }=-=-
Enter your name: Jon Erickson
Welcome to the Game of Chance, Jon Erickson.
You have been given 100 credits.
-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-
1 - Play the Pick a Number game
2 - Play the No Match Dealer game
3 - Play the Find the Ace game
4 - View current high score
5 - Change your username
6 - Reset your account at 100 credits
7 - Quit
[Name: Jon Erickson]
[You have 100 credits] -> 1
[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x08048e6e
####### Pick a Number ######
This game costs 10 credits to play. Simply pick a number
between 1 and 20, and if you pick the winning number, you
will win the jackpot of 100 credits!
10 credits have been deducted from your account.
Pick a number between 1 and 20: 7
The winning number is 14.
Sorry, you didn't win.
You now have 90 credits.
Would you like to play again? (y/n) n
-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-
1 - Play the Pick a Number game
2 - Play the No Match Dealer game
3 - Play the Find the Ace game
4 - View current high score
5 - Change your username
6 - Reset your account at 100 credits
7 - Quit
[Name: Jon Erickson]
[You have 90 credits] -> 2
[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x08048f61
::::::: No Match Dealer :::::::
In this game you can wager up to all of your credits.
The dealer will deal out 16 random numbers between 0 and 99.
If there are no matches among them, you double your money!
How many of your 90 credits would you like to wager? 30
::: Dealing out 16 random numbers :::
88 68 82 51 21 73 80 50
11 64 78 85 39 42 40 95
There were no matches! You win 30 credits!
You now have 120 credits
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