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food microstructure which may influence the digestibility of starch and con-
sequently the absorption of digested carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal
tract. Though several studies have reported about starch digestibility, but still
there is a scarcity of the literature about digestibility of starch in complex
foods. The digestibility of starch in different foods can be studied through
in vitro digestion models, which have shown a very strong correlation with
in vivo models. Sophisticated techniques such as electron and confocal
microscopy, rheology, etc. have been used to gain in-depth knowledge
about the characteristics of food microstructure, and digests during and after
the starch-digestion process. This new knowledge about food microstruc-
ture and its role during starch digestion may help in the manufacturing of
novel foods with controlled starch digestibility.
Permission from Elsevier to reproduce parts of the articles ( Berg et al., 2012; Bordoloi, Kaur,
et al., 2012; Bordoloi, Singh, et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2010 ) is gratefully acknowledged.
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nological processes on starch hydrolysis, non-starch polysaccharides solubilization and
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Animal Feed Science and Technology , 129 , 99-115.
Appenroth, K.-J., Keresztes, A., Krzysztofiwicz, E., &Gabrys, H. (2011). Light induced deg-
radation of starch granules in turions of Spirodela polyrhiza studied by electron micros-
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