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C H A P T E R 9
Deploying the Application
The last mile in getting your application into the hands of your intended audience is the deployment
process. In traditional programming, a programmer would typically compile an application into an
executable file and then package it into an automated installer for distribution.
In the world of APEX, your entire application sits inside the database. Deployment is therefore just a
matter of copying all the database objects and dependencies from one database instance to another.
Having said that, it is still important to make sure you copy the right objects, lest you accidentally leave
out a table or resource that is crucial to the correct functioning of your application. The last thing your
users want is to painstakingly track down missing files after deploying an application that doesn't work.
Obviously, a complete packaged application should contain all the resources necessary to run an
application. A solid deployment strategy will help reduce the common "Oops, I left that out in the patch"
problem inherent in rushed deliverables. As you will see in this chapter, APEX provides a few ways to
package an application (or a part of it). You will learn the basics of application deployment and the
pitfalls to avoid along the way.
9-1. Deciding on a Deployment Approach
You've spent a lot of time creating the perfect application in your workspace. Now you need to deploy it,
but you need to know which objects from your application or workspace to include in the deployment
For smaller organizations where convenience and speed of deployment is favored over security (and if
you want the quickest and simplest deployment method possible), adopt the following deployment
Create the necessary end users for the application.
Simply expose the application URL to the end users.
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