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is just that when it is Windows Outlook Exchange, whatever the bug, it gets into the
newspapers because it takes every company down, not just small companies. So NATO
is aware that there are a lot of countries with the same argument as China. There are
some nations who are anti-American and do not want Bill Gates in charge of their
systems. I have been using Unix for over twelve years. I like to be able to look at the
source code but I do not think it is the complete answer. However, NATO is considering
it and people in my particular project are looking at the security aspects and differences
in security. There is actually a project to look at open sources in NATO. It will take cost
and effort but again there are a lot of nations pushing in the working groups at NATO to
make this switch.
Valente : I have been using Unix for twenty years. I am actually an operating system
agnostic. I use everything. I still have a Spectrum at home, so I am completely agnostic.
Keep in mind that I am not suggesting the use of open source code at government level or
military level but I am suggesting using open source to leverage it, to create a closed
source, or if you want, an open source closed group base. This is different. I am not
suggesting creating an open source and then sharing it with the world.
Kolobov : Ukraine is also working with Microsoft under the government security
programme. And that programme should allow us to have an open code from Microsoft
and just work it out; nevertheless we are still working with the Unix codes and Linux
platform to do very secure and very special applications, for example, for top secret
networks. We are working with open source platforms also and I think that we should be
agnostic; we should work with all systems and do out best to make sure that the
application can first of all fulfil our task and then see whether the manufacture of that
code is open or not.
Karabacak : Certification is very important for all types of systems not only for
source systems. And as far as I know, Linux is trying to get CC certificates under the
umbrella of IBM.
Valente : I prefer certified open solutions to certified closed solutions. Certification is
good but a certified open solution is even better.
Aharoni : The question of open source usually focuses on the open source of the
operating system. From the commercial point of view, do you expect other security
products that you use in the network to also be open sourced, and do you expect
checkpoints to open sources for their firewalls? Do you expect Cisco to open this source
for their VPNs and Routers, and how do you protect Cisco from a commercial point of
view from access to open sources for their products?
Valente : Microsoft is sharing the source code at government level so that the code can
be investigated and analysed, so yes, I would definitely expect any other vendor for
NATO at government level to have licences available. The government agency or the
military can look at the source code with contracts, etc., where the intellectual property is
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