Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Handle with Care
Who can resist picking up a days-old chick that's all flu# and nonsense? While they're
still adorned in their baby plumage (they have yet to grow their first pinfeathers), take a
moment to handle them and feel the gentle softness of their down feathers. But handling
the chicks is as much about getting a sense of their spunk and health as it is of their ad-
A healthy bird will feel like a miniature dinosaur in a bunny suit: all hearty cuteness with
ribbed taloned feet and bright beady eyes. Handling your chicks also gets them used to
people and accustomed to being touched. Raising just a few birds allows you to truly
imprint on your flock and establish a personal relationship. I am not suggesting carrying
your Bu# Orpingtons and Jersey Giants around in your pocket, but daily gentle handling
will let the birds know a hand isn't a death threat, and ongoing physical contact means
maturing birds will likely be less flighty.
The more time you spend handling your chickens, the tamer they will become .
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