Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Until your chicks have feathers (at about 20 days old) they need a reliable source
of external warmth, such as a heat lamp. Keep a thermometer at chick level in
the brooder and for the first week maintain the temperature at approximately 90°F
(32°C). Each week reduce the heat (by raising the lamp) by approximately 5°F (2.5-
3°C) until it reaches ambient temperature.
For adult chickens, the ideal temperature is 70-75°F (21-24°C). They will not
thrive (and may su!er) in a temperature above 95°F (35°C).
Space Requirements for Chicken Housing
This chart shows space needed by free-range or penned birds. In an urban or suburban
backyard, however, you may need to keep your chickens in a cage. A height of 24” is
adequate; add another 6” for roosts. For one bird, a cage should be at least 30” wide by
24” deep; for two birds, 27” by 32-; for four birds, 46” by 32”.
Chickens can easily succumb to respiratory ailments without adequate ventilation. To
release warm air, provide small holes near the ceiling of the coop. Screens or hardware
cloth will keep out wild birds, and a cover on the north side will block the winter wind.
Several options exist for flooring, including:
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