Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Welsummers come from Holland and are a cross of several breeds, including Barneveld-
er, Wyandotte, and Rhode Island Red. They aren't super friendly, but don't mistake their
aloofness for anger. They're just independent women. They can stand up against the
crankiest production bird with gusto, and their dark brown eggs are so amazingly beau-
tiful, you might mistake them for chocolates.
Welsummer rooster
Ducks, Geese, and Turkeys, Too
DEPENDINGONYOURLIVINGSITUATION, you might consider adding other
types of poultry to your flock. Ducks, geese, guinea fowl, and even the occasional
turkey can be raised alongside chicks. They can eat the same medicated starter feeds
as pullets and when young (up to 3 years old) can mingle with the laying hens. Place
a gosling in with a pile of Barred Rocks and he'll make himself right at home. Just
be sure to keep the bedding clean and dry.
Mixing up your poultry has more to do with your space limitations and town
ordinances than it does with the ability of your animals to get along and grow up
healthy. While chickens are quiet and inconspicuous, geese are loud—sometimes
very loud. And some local legislation may allow for three hens but draw the line at a
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