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if given enough legroom. They go broody fairly easily, but sometimes eggs crack under
their weight. Hey, nobody's perfect.
However, it's the attitude that wins me over with these chickens. If a chicken could be
in the running for a Buddhist monk, these old-time gals would already be ordained. I've
owned a few over the years, and hands down they are the calmest in the coop. Though
not anywhere near industrial-level layers, they are steadfast, producing even as the tem-
peratures drop way below zero. If you live in a colder climate and want the draft horse
of the chicken set for a free-range flock, these are your girls.
Brahma hen
DEVELOPED IN NEW ENGLAND, these brown-egg layers are great additions to a
backyard flock. Plymouth Rocks are usually black and white (barred), but they now are
bred in a variety of colors. The “every chicken,” combining the traits of many breeds
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