Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Silkies were my first chickens, and they were such a great experience, I have to suggest
them. While they are bantams, and the eggs are smaller than normal standard-layer fare,
what they lack in size they make up for with personality and mothering skills. Silkie
Bantams are amazing brooders and caring mothers.
Some poultry farmers slide other hens' eggs under these mamas to ensure proper par-
enting. They're also incredibly calm around people and animals, making them a great
bird for families with young children. And of course, there are the crazy looks of these
birds: all poof and feathered feet. They do well in confinement and in many climates.
An absolute A+ chicken.
Hailing from a heritage of Rhode Island Reds and Black Orpingtons, along with a few
other high-production breeds, these black birds are serious about laying and have a repu-
tation for high production and sweet temperaments. They're also a good choice if you
want a dual-purpose bird: one equally great for meat and eggs. If you're thinking about
this breed, it's a good idea to order a straight run—meaning not sexed—of these chicks.
You could keep the ladies for their eggs and dispatch the roosters once they hit table
Another big perk is these gals' noise level. Australorps are quiet birds, and if you have
neighbors close by and still want fresh brown eggs, they may be a good match for your
lifestyle. They're also fine with confinement, making them suitable for a backyard pen.
The only downside is these shy birds may become easily dominated by more gregari-
ous breeds if they share a coop. Barred Rocks or Rhode Islands may boss them around.
They're a good sister bird for Brahmas and Orpingtons, though.
meat or Eggs ... or Both?
might want to try your hand at raising chickens for the roasting pan, too. If you aren't
one to get overly sentimental about your chickens, add a few broilers to your spring
hen order. But maybe you feel that killing a chicken for its meat—especially one
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