Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
appendex; parasites, diseases, and aliments
Chickens are not fragile animals. A well-maintained flock in clean bedding may never
even sneeze, but sometimes the healthiest flock can pick up a parasite or catch a disease
from outside your control. Here are a few common problems observed in backyard flocks.
If you notice a drooping head, sneezing, or general weakness it's best to do some research
or call your local extension to address the problem straight away.
Also known as bird flu, avian influenza gave us all a scare a few years ago when the dis-
ease was transmitted from birds to people in Asia. While it made headlines, the actual
ailment is much less riveting. Avian influenza is a rare disease, scarcely a worry to people
with small backyard flocks and clean coops. Despite the hype, unless you are sharing a
bedroom with your chickens in a dirty cage: Don't lose any sleep over it.
Just like us, chickens can get colds and some of them aren't pretty. A bout of raspy bron-
chitis can sweep through a flock, causing the birds to breathe heavily (especially when
roosting and trying to sleep at night), sneeze, discharge through the beak and eyes, and
experience general malaise. It's not life threatening, but it can ruin egg production for a
few weeks. There is no cure-all, but offering a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or Pe-
dialyte per gallon of drinking water can help a lot. Electrolytes and clean fluid are what
they need. When my birds come down with infectious bronchitis (as they do in the cold
months every few years) I buy them a new font, keep it clean, and add the vinegar. They
always bounce back, but you'll miss the omelets while they're ill. Bottom line: Proper
ventilation, clean, dry bedding, and adequate space will go a long way toward preventing
colds in chickens.
A common issue in the henhouse, bumblefoot is most often found in males of heavy
breeds but can affect laying hens as well. It features a large, gross, pus-filled abscess on
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