Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4 The most common CSR issues among supply chain participants
Table 2 Examples of socially responsible actions undertaken by logistic sector companies
Strategy building through
communication with the community
Research of local communities (local residents, work-
ers, neighboring companies' representatives, local
authorities and NGOs, social workers, academic insti-
tutions, journalists) in order to learn about their expec-
tations and opinions about company's troublesome
activities and to develop CSR strategies accordingly.
The research conducted by, among others, Shenker
(MichaƂowska and Przybysz 2012 )
Using Ecodesk internet tool which enables all organi-
zations to publish and exchange information about
CSR activities in one place. After creating a profile, the
database also allows calculating the carbon footprint
on a company's level, but also for all organizations in
the delivery chain (Gruszecka-Tiesluk 2013 )
Management instruments
Warehouse infrastructure
Building or leasing certified buildings with Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or
Building Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) system
An example of such an initiative is the G.Blue Planet
Chatterley Valley logistic centre in England which got
the highest mark awarded in the BREEM system as the
first in Europe and in the world. One of the many solu-
tions implemented there are kinetic plates installed on
the access roads leading to the warehouse. Under pres-
sure electric energy is produced and stored Radomska-
Deutsch ( 2010 )
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