Environmental Engineering Reference
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Logistic Sector as a Support Segment
for Sustainable Supply Chains
Arkadiusz Kawa and Anna Maryniak
Abstract The aim of this chapter is to draw attention to the growing importance
of supply chain sustainability (SCS) and to present practical solutions in this field
on the example of the logistics industry. In the research, literature review, surveys
and case studies have been used. The results of the analyses have led to the con-
clusion that an increasing number of researchers have become interested in the
subject of SCS in the last few years. On the basis of the survey, it has been stated
that education is particularly important in minimizing the negative impact on the
environment, formulating professional announcements about CSR and strategic
and operational issues of sustainable logistics. In addition, it has been found out
that from among stakeholders of closer and more distant environment of busi-
nesses entities of the logistics industry are attributed great importance in the devel-
opment of sustainable supply chains, equivalent to other entities directly involved
in the supply chain. The examples of practical CSR projects prove that logistics
service providers strongly affecting other entities outside the industry focus on this
topic. The aim of this chapter is to draw attention to the growing importance of
supply chain sustainability (SCS) and to present practical solutions in this field on
the example of the logistics industry. In the research, literature review, surveys and
case studies have been used. The results of the analyses have led to the conclu-
sion that an increasing number of researchers have become interested in the sub-
ject of SCS in the last few years. On the basis of the survey, it has been stated that
education is particularly important in minimizing the negative impact on the envi-
ronment, formulating professional announcements about CSR and strategic and
operational issues of sustainable logistics. In addition, it has been found out that
from among stakeholders of closer and more distant environment of businesses
entities of the logistics industry are attributed great importance in the development
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