Environmental Engineering Reference
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The results of this methodology helped purchase manager to know pack-
aging partner better and pick the right ones, those who are well matched with
company business objectives and requirements. Suppliers a 1 for steel sheet and
b 1 for PET granule are the best business partner. Collaborating with proposed
suppliers will lead to several advantages such as more financial benefits, suit-
able services and quality. Also both proposed suppliers have environmental
certificates such as ISO14000. According to location of company in residential
region and government insistence on decreasing environmental issues, contract-
ing with green suppliers will conform to company policies and provide less
environmental impacts.
5 Conclusions
Definition and selection of criteria has an important role in supplier selection pro-
cess. Ideally, a purchaser should be able to understand the strategic processes,
recognize the strategic implications of environmental aspects and finally trans-
late these implications into meaningful criteria for GSS. To achieve this aim, the
current research presents a systematic methodology to make criteria selection
by defining objectives (based on company requirements and policies) and using
TOPSIS technique for criteria ranking. Criteria selection phase make the method-
ology flexible and can match with fluctuation in the company business objectives
and requirements.
Supplier selection is a complex decision making problem that includes qualita-
tive criteria and imprecise judgment of decision makers, so fuzzy sets and GST
sets give better results in modeling decision making processes. Evaluation results
for food industry show that the proposed methodology can provide reasonable out-
comes with a smaller number of decision making units.
In this chapter, a methodology using the AHP-TOPSIS and AHP-fuzzy GRA,
proposed for criteria selection and GSS. In order to demonstrate effectiveness
of the methodology, it has been implemented in one of the food producer com-
pany and GSS process has been accomplished in steel sheet and PET granule
Future researches can consider other environmental criteria (like Carbon foot-
print, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, life cycle assessment (LCA) of products
and etc.) which currently have been focused on. These kinds of environmental
subjects will provide more practical results in GSS, provided that suppliers trace
its environmental footprint accurately.
Furthermore in future research the presented methodology will be implemented
in a decision support system (DSS) to support purchase managers in selecting
green suppliers according to the company's specific policies.
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