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Fig. 2 Input-output system of innovativeness process improvement
has been determined on the basis of literature review (e.g. Cheng and Shiu 2012 )
and their potential impact on the output variables.
Performance dimensions presented in Table 2 correspond to the fields occur-
ring in an industrial enterprise that develops new products. These fields refer to the
departments in an enterprise, for instance, R&D, manufacturing, logistics, mar-
keting and sales, and their performance indicators can be retrieved from an ERP
database. Performance indicators for marketing take into account the customer
perspective that places emphasis on customer relationship management, including
the identification of customer requirements and complaints. The field of eco-inno-
vation implementation includes three dimensions: eco-organization, eco-process
and eco-product, and is based on the questionnaires.
The presented model is based on assumptions such as access to data of past suc-
cessful and unsuccessful projects, including their cost, duration, team members,
and current market position of a product, as well as measurement of eco-innovation
implementation with the use of a questionnaire, whose results can be codified and
quantified. The model enables the identification of relationships between the success
of a new product and the key factors in the field of project management that influ-
ence this success, and can be considered in terms of learning from past experiences
and failures to improve the innovativeness of products in the development process.
The solution of the considered problem includes seeking answers to the follow-
ing questions: is there a significant relationship between the project management
parameters and the success of a product? Do accessible resources in a company
improve the effectiveness of project management, and finally, the success rate of
a product? What parameters should the current projects be given to increase their
chances of success? What set of input variables has the strongest impact on the
output variables (the success of a product)? The sought relationships can indicate
the directions of improvement of products that are in the development process and,
as a result, increase the chance to develop a successful product and support the
company's innovativeness.
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