Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Identifying Relationships Between
Eco-innovation and Product Success
Marcin Relich
Abstract This chapter is concerned with the study of success factor identification
in eco-innovation. Critical success factors are identified on the basis of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) database and questionnaires concerning the
implementation of eco-innovation. The model of measuring eco-innovation
includes indicators connected with fields such as research and development, pro-
duction, logistics, sales and marketing, as well as eco-innovation implementation
that consists of eco-organization, eco-process, and eco-product. The proposed
methodology enables the merger of objective indices and subjective judgments
with the use of fuzzy logic. In order to identify the relationships between product
success and project environment variables, artificial neural networks are used. The
proposed approach enables the identification of factors that significantly impact
product success. The relationships sought can be further used to forecast the suc-
cess of a new product that is in the development process and propose changes in
the project variables that can increase the chance to develop a successful product.
Keywords Measuring innovation · Eco-organization · Eco-process · Eco-product ·
Knowledge acquisition · New product development
1 Introduction
Innovation is widely considered a key prerequisite for achieving organisational
competitiveness and sustained long-term profits in an increasingly changeable
business environment. Consequently, enterprises have to continuously develop new
products to grow and mature their innovation capability (Esterhuizen et al. 2012 ).
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