Environmental Engineering Reference
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to the market. The brewing sector may contribute to expansion of the concep-
tion of sustainable development by co-operating with its suppliers and demand-
ing similar involvement in environment protection aspects from them (UN Global
Compact 2010 ).
3.1.1 Kompania Piwowarska
Kompania Piwowarska purchases from local suppliers, thanks to which new work-
places are created in the region, in addition to new opportunities for employees
and their families as well as the local community. Furthermore, it contributes to
taxes coming into local budgets and an improvement in healthcare and educa-
tion quality. The company encourages suppliers and clients to treat their operation
responsibly, especially in the field of ethical and ecological practices. Responsible
and effective operation of partners in the supply chain brings them all such ben-
efits as high product quality, cost reduction and competitiveness. All of these
actions contribute to joint effort in aid of sustainable development.
Moreover, Kompania Piwowarska creates a sustainable supply chain due to its
participation in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) organisation. It is an alliance
of companies, non-governmental organisations and trade unions that promotes
responsible actions and behaviours of companies in the whole value chain, which
can significantly contribute to better working conditions and life of employees
who make different kinds of products. ETI has prepared an essential code of ethi-
cal conduct called ETI Base Code. The standard is currently popularised world-
wide for audits at enterprises. Follow-up audits are performed in accordance with
the SEDEX methodology. It is a non-profit organisation uniting many different
organisations to work on improving ethical standards. Post-audit reports are placed
on an internet platform, thus allowing every company to check if a given supplier
realises actions in aid of sustainable development or not (Kompania Piwowarska
Sustainable Development 2013 ).
3.1.2 Grupa Z Ǚ ywiec
In order to build a sustainable supply chain and support its partners, Grupa Ǚ ywiec
has created a Supplier Code of Grupa Ǚ ywiec which defines important actions in
the field of sustainable supply. According to the Code, a supplier's task is to “build
and maintain relations based on honesty, trust, respect for human rights, obser-
vance of the law, respect for the environment and business practice consistent with
the principles of sustainable development and the Social Responsibility Policy”.
All suppliers with whom contracts are signed as a result of a tendering procedure
as well as those who raise doubts about the respect for the standards adopted by
the company need to sign a declaration of being familiar with the Supplier Code
and willing to obey the rules contained in it. Nearly 1,400 suppliers of the Group
signed the document in 2012 .
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