Environmental Engineering Reference
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of services) or connected areas, but also to the overview of capital located in each
stakeholder surrounding the company. The existing evidence for a positive rela-
tionship between SSC and market value of companies is an incentive to further
research in this area.
The given examples of ecological, social and environmental solutions in logistic
sector can stand for a valuable source of knowledge and an inspiration for the further
comprehensive development of sustainability supply chains. The analyses have a lot
of implications for science and practice. The multi-dimensional and diversified char-
acter of managing SSC by logistic companies creates a lot of challenges and great
possibilities in terms of knowledge diffusion to each chain element.
Summing up, it is advisable in the future to undertake comprehensive research,
which aims at evaluation of SSC components in the context of a branch, a sector
and geography. It is particularly advisable to extend analyses regarding the con-
firmation of the hypothesis about the positive influence of SSC development in
transport and logistic sector on individual chain elements as well as the hypoth-
esis about the significance of transport and logistic industry for the integration of
socially responsible actions of horizontally integrated companies.
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