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Checkstyle Example Using Ant 4
<target name="run-inspections">
<taskdef resource=""
<checkstyle config ="${basedir}/checkstyle-rules.xml"
failOnViolation ="false">
<formatter toFile ="${}" type="xml" />
<fileset dir ="${src.dir}" includes="**/*.java" />
<xslt taskname="checkstyle"
style="${checkstyle.xsl.file}" />
Many processes encompass what is considered deployment . In fact, most
of the other processes discussed in this section are a part of the deploy-
ment process. Continuous deployment enables you to deliver working,
deployable software at any point in time. This means a key purpose of
a CI system is to generate the bundled software artifacts with the latest
code changes and make it available to a testing environment.
Among other things, the source files from the version control
repository must be checked out, a build must be performed, all tests
and inspections must successfully execute, the release must be labeled,
and the deployment files must be staged.
CI can even automatically deploy or install files to the appropriate
environment, as shown in Figure 1-8. Furthermore, deployments
should include the capability to automatically roll back all changes
applied in the deployment. Note that you may be using slightly differ-
ent operating environments from development (for instance, Jetty, as
illustrated in Figure 1-8) to your integration and test environments
(Tomcat). Regardless, the same automated build, with slightly differ-
ent parameters, is executed in these environments. We discuss these
strategies in Chapter 8.
4. From “Automation for the People: Continuous Inspection ,” by Paul Duvall. From
IBM developerWorks, August 2006, at
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