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<!-- Failed Builds: Turn on Red Lava Lamp / Light -->
By default, the device's “on” signal is sent when the build fails.
The device's “off” signal is sent when the build succeeds/passes. If
you want the opposite, that is, on when successful and off when bro-
ken, set the onWhenBroken attribute to false. The CI server sends an
X10 message to the devices each time, but if it's the same as before,
the lamp won't change state.
Any Time, Any Place
One time while having lunch at a conference in Denver, I received
a text message on my mobile phone indicating that the build on
one of our projects back in Virginia had failed. I called the techni-
cal lead on the project, and he briefed me on the nature of the
problem. After some troubleshooting, they found out that one of
the JUnit tests had failed because one of the component inter-
faces had changed. It really gave me peace of mind to know that
an automated system was building, testing, inspecting, and
deploying software (among other activities) and letting me know if
anything was wrong, even while I was away from my office and not
able to access e-mail.
Windows Taskbar
CCTray will monitor your CruiseControl.NET builds and report on the
status using the Windows taskbar. This way you don't need to open or
wait for an e-mail to know the status of the build—you just look at the
icon located on your desktop. Figure 9-6 shows the CCTray Windows
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