Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
CI Practices Discussed in This Chapter (Continued)
Build for any
Run the same automated build on your worksta-
tion, on the integration build machine, and for any
other platform environment as necessary.
Use a dedicated inte-
gration build machine
Use one machine dedicated to running your
builds. Ensure that the integration location is free
of old build artifacts.
Use a CI server
In addition to or as an alternative to running man-
ual integration builds, use a CI server, such as
CruiseControl, to automatically poll for version
control changes and run an integration build on a
separate machine.
Run manual integration
Run a sequential integration build manually using
an automated build as an approach to reduce inte-
gration build errors. Some use this approach as an
alternative to a CI server.
Run fast builds
Try to get your integration builds down to ten min-
utes by increasing computing resources, offload-
ing slower tests, offloading or reducing
inspections, and running staged builds.
Stage builds
Run lightweight “commit” builds that perform com-
pile, unit test execution, and deployment followed
by heavyweight “secondary” builds that include
component, system, and other slower-running
tests and inspections.
Is your build automated? Are you able to run your build without your
Have you centralized all of your software assets into your version
control repository? Are you able to perform a complete build by get-
ting all necessary files from the version control repository?
Do you ensure that the build tasks that are more likely to fail are at
the beginning of your build scripts so that you receive notification of
a build failure quickly?
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