Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.1 The three frames of a Javadoc page
additional downloads necessary. Other classes are documented in the same
way—with Javadoc—but they are downloaded and displayed separately.
Frame B initially lists all the classes and interfaces available in all of the
packages. When you select a package in A, B will display only those interfaces
and classes that are part of the chosen package.
Frame C starts out with a list and description of all packages. Once you
have selected a package in A, C will show the overview of that package, showing
its classes and interfaces with descriptions.
But C is most often used to display the detailed description of a class.
Choose a class or interface in B and you will see C filled with its descrip-
tion—some opening information followed by a list of the visible members of
that class, followed by the possible constructors for that class and all the meth-
ods in that class (Figure 3.2). Each method is shown with its parameters and a
one-sentence description. Clicking on the method name will open a fuller
description (Figure 3.3).
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