Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.1 Arithmetic and logical Java operators in order of precedence
[] .
array indexing, member reference
- ++ -- ! ~
unary operators: negate, increment, decrement, logical-not, bitwise-not
( type ) new
coercion, or casting to a different type; creating a new object
* / %
multiplication, division, remainder
+ -
addition, subtraction
<< >> >>>
shift-left, shift-right-sign-extend, shift-right-zero-fill
< > <= >=
less-than, greater-than, less-or-equal, greater-or-equal, comparing object
== !=
equal, not-equal
bitwise-and (boolean for boolean operands with no short-circuit) *
bitwise-xor (with boolean operands it is a boolean-xor) **
bitwise-or (boolean for boolean operands with no short-circuit) *
logical-and (with short-circuit) *
logical-or (with short-circuit) *
Inline if expression, e.g., a ? b : c says, if a is true , then the value
is b , else it is c .
= += -= *= /=
%= <<= >>=
>>>= &= ^= |=
Assignment; those with an operator, as in a op= b will perform the
operation a op b then assign the result back to a .
In Java there are two ways to do a boolean AND operation: using & or && . Remember that
for “a AND b”, if either is false , then the result is false . That means that if “a” is
false , there is no need to evaluate “b” because it will not affect the result. Skipping the
evaluation of “b” in this case is called short-circuiting . Java will use short-circuit evaluation
when using the && operator, but not & . The same applies to the OR operators || and |
where Java can short-circuit on a true evaluation of the first operand for || . This is an
important distinction when “a” and “b” are not just simple variable references but rather
method calls or other complex expressions, especially ones with side effects.
XOR is exclusive or, where the result of “a XOR b” is true if “a” or “b” is true , but not
both. For bitwise operands, “a” and “b” refer here to bits in the operand; for boolean
operands it is the one value. Examples: 5^6 is 3 ; true^false is true but true^true
is false .
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