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The most important shell variable to know is PATH . It defines the directo-
ries in the filesystem where the shell will look for programs to execute. When
you type a command like ls or javac the shell will look in all of the directories
specified in the PATH variable, in the order specified, until it finds the
$ echo $PATH
The PATH shown in the example has five directories, separated by colons
(“ : ”). (Note the fifth one, the “ . ”; it says to look in the current directory.)
Where do you suppose it will find cat ? You can look for it yourself by search-
ing in each directory specified in PATH . Or you can use the which command:
$ which cat
Some commands (like exit ) don't show up, since they are built into the
shell. Others may be aliases—but that opens a whole other topic that we aren't
covering here. Just remember that each directory in the PATH variable is exam-
ined for the executable you want to run. If you get a command not found error,
the command may be there, it just may not be on your PATH .
To look at it the other way around: If you want to install a command so
that you can execute it from the command line, you can either always type its
full pathname, or (a more user-friendly choice) you can set your PATH variable
to include the location of the new command's executable.
So where and how do you set PATH ? Whenever a shell is started up, it reads
some initialization files. These are shell scripts that are read and executed as if
they were typed by the user—that is, not in a subshell. Among other actions,
they often set values for variables like PATH . If you are using bash , look at
.bashrc in your home directory.
Shell scripts are just shell commands stored in a file so that you don't need
to type the same commands and options over and over. There are two ways to
run a shell script. The easiest, often used when testing the script, is
$ sh myscript
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