Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting the Geronimo server up and running is simply a matter of running a
Java application contained in the server.jar file in the bin directory.
$ cd /usr/local/geronimo
$ java -jar bin/server.jar org/apache/geronimo/Server
That last parameter looks like a pathname, but it isn't. It is a configuration
ID which just uses the pathname-like syntax as a namespace, to be unique to
Geronimo (by virtue of the /org/apache/geronimo prefix). That name tells
the server which of the several possible configurations you want to use. For
more information on the other configurations, refer to the Geronimo Wiki. 20
Having once invoked a particular configuration, you need not repeat that
configuration choice on subsequent invocations. That means that the next time
you run Geronimo, you can just use:
$ java -jar bin/server.jar
If you want to put this in a startup script you'll want to use the full
specification, so as to be absolutely sure what you are getting.
To stop the server invoked from a command line, simply type Control-C.
If the server was invoked from a startup script, you will need to find its process
ID (e.g., with the ps command) and use the Linux kill command to send it
a signal.
In this chapter we have looked at the installation of both the JBoss and
Geronimo Java application servers on a Linux platform. For both of these Open
Source servers installation was little more than getting the JAR files in a usable
location. We reviewed the System V init system and explained how to add JBoss
to the regular system of services on your Linux box. We showed you how to
use groups and permissions to enable a number of nonroot users to do the basic
application server administration.
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