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Example 20.5 Using chkconfig to include JBoss start script
[root@cvs root]# cd /usr/local/jboss/bin
[root@cvs bin]# cp /etc/init.d/jboss
[root@cvs bin]# chkconfig --add jboss
[root@cvs bin]# chkconfig --list jboss
jboss 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
[root@cvs bin]# /etc/init.d/jboss start
CMD_START = cd /usr/local/jboss/bin; /usr/local/jboss/bin/ -c default
and /etc/shadow after you create the user. Unfortunately, the JBoss program
needs to run a shell script, so you cannot set the shell to /sbin/nologin as is
usual. Set the password for the user in /etc/shadow to x , which is completely
invalid and will forbid login to the account by password.
Finally, you will need to add the user jboss to any groups you created for
JBoss management (such as local in our case). Truth be told, it would be a
good idea to use the jboss user to install JBoss. It will avoid having to deal
with some file ownership and permission issues. If you do not do this, the
simplest way to get this init script working (you will get permission errors) is
to run
chmod -R g+w /usr/local/jboss
That will make the script work with the jboss user, provided jboss be-
longs to the group owner of the JBoss installation.
The final step is to copy your modified script to its final destination and
run chkconfig to install it in all the runlevels (Example 20.5).
You now have JBoss running. You can start and stop it with the script,
and it will come up and shut down automatically depending on the runlevel
you switch to. Beauty, eh?
You don't need chkconfig to set up equivalent scripts. In fact, the same script
provided by JBoss for RedHat will work with most distributions that use Sys-
tem V init system. You will have to copy the init script and then create the
appropriate symlinks manually, or locate the automated setup tools for your
particular distribution (Debian, for example, has many such tools which you
select with their package management system).
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