Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The syntax looks like this:
<jsp:useBean id="myvar" class="net.multitool.servlet.AccountBean" />
which will create a variable called myvar as an instance of the AccountBean
class found in the net.multitool.servlet package. Think of this as:
<%! import net.multitool.servlet.AccountBean; %>
<% AccountBean myval = new AccountBean(); %>
So can AccountBean be any class? Well, sort of. It can be any class that
you want, as long as it is a bean. It doesn't have to end in “ Bean ”, but it does
have to be a class which has:
• A null constructor (you may have noticed there is no syntax to support
arguments to the constructor on the useBean statement).
• No public instance variables.
• Getters and setters for instance variables.
• Getters and setters named according to a standard: getTotal() or
isTotal() and setTotal() for a variable called total ( isTotal()
would be used if we had a boolean getter, that is, if the getter returned a
boolean ; otherwise it would expect getTotal() as the getter's name).
Otherwise, its a normal class. These restrictions mean that you can call the
class a “JavaBean” or just “bean,” and there is additional JSP syntax to manipu-
late the class. Specifically:
<jsp:getProperty name="myvar" property="total" />
will do, in effect, the following:
<%= myvar.getTotal() %>
<% out.print(myvar.getTotal()); %>
Similarly, we can set a value in the JSP with this syntax:
<jsp:setProperty name="myvar" property="total" value="1234" />
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