Java Reference
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now. The original BudgetPro constructor took a JFrame argument, now it
will have to get a Display and a Shell . So we have to allocate a local Display
and a local Shell . We also need to add the Display argument to the
BudgetPro constructor.
After this is done, we modify the call to the constructor to pass the local
Display and Shell to our class instance.
Next, we have to set a layout manager. The original application used the
Swing BorderLayout layout manager. SWT doesn't have such a critter.
Fortunately, the original used only the north, center, and south positions
of the BorderLayout . SWT has a simple layout manager called a
FillLayout that puts its contained controls in a single row or column, equally
sized. Putting the three controls in a column will end up looking much like
using the north, center, and south of a BorderLayout . So we change the call
to the frame.setLayout() to pass in a new FillLayout and add the
SWT.VERTICAL attribute.
The SWT Class
The SWT class is pretty bare-bones. Its primary use is a library of named
constants used for attributes to Widget (and other) constructors. You'll
see such SWT. xxxx constants all over your typical SWT application.
There are a handful of methods that the SWT class provides, all of
them static, including error() , which throws an SWTException ,
getPlatform() , which returns a string with the name of the platform
on which SWT is running, and getVersion() , which returns an int
version number.
It also has a subclass, called OLE , which is a Windows-only class that
provides ActiveX support for SWT. Obviously, such use is nonportable
and non-Linux, so we won't talk any more about it.
The next block of code in main() sets the Swing look and feel. SWT has
nothing like this. All SWT applications look like native applications (we seem
to be saying that a lot), so all of this code may be removed.
The next block of code calls methods on the application object ( app ) that,
in the original, construct the three “chunks” of UI and add them to the frame
using the BorderLayout attributes. Since, as we explained earlier, all SWT
controls must be explicitly joined to a parent control when they are constructed,
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