Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Hibernate 4
Hibernate is probably the most widely known Open Source persistence
framework. It is released under the LGPL license.
Billed as “Object Relational Bridge,” this one is from Apache. It provides
both an ODMG (a persistence API much used in the C++ world) and a
JDO ( Java Data Objects—Sun's object persistence API specification) API.
Castor 6
Castor does persistence to both XML and relational databases. They call
their RDBMS persistence framework “JDO,” but beware: It is not compat-
ible with or identical to Sun's JDO. They say it is better.
pBeans 7
pBeans does fully automated persistence of JavaBeans. You have to follow
the rules for writing beans (not EJBs, but the “classic” JavaBeans), but
once done, this will automatically persist your instances to any JDBC-
compatible database. No XML specification, no SQL scripting, no tem-
plates. For the easiest “just save my instance data” type of applications,
this can be a good choice. 8 This product even automates the creation of
tables, as we advocated above.
Are there others? Heck, yes. Not all of them persist to relational databases.
Some persist only to XML. Some to other databases like B-trees or the Berkeley
DB system. We didn't concern ourselves with those. We also left off a couple
of libraries that appear not to have been developed for more than a couple
of years.
8. But we are not endorsing here.
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