Java Reference
In-Depth Information
assertTrue( boolean expression )
assertFalse( boolean expression )
assertNull (Object)
assertNotNull (Object)
assertSame (Object1, Object2)
assertNotSame (Object1, Object2)
Each of the assert methods comes in two “flavors,” one with a message
String and one without. For example, there is a method assertTrue() which
takes a boolean as its parameter; typically it would be used with an expression,
for example: 1
assertTrue( (sample actual) );
If the condition is not true, an AssertionFailedError is thrown. That
means, among other things, that if/when your test fails, it will stop executing
at that point. The tearDown() method, though, will still be executed before
proceeding to the next test.
There is also a method of the same name, assertTrue() , but with a
slightly different signature—it adds a String as its first parameter. The string
is the message to be included in the error report. Using this variation on
assertTrue() , our example would become:
assertTrue("Sample too small", (sample actual));
In the same way, assertFalse() has two versions—
assertFalse(boolean) and assertFalse(String, boolean) —and so
on for all other assert methods.
1. Yes, the extra parentheses are not needed; they just make the point that this is a boolean ex-
pression being passed as the argument to assertTrue() . We could also have written it as:
boolean result = (sample actual);
Again, the extra parentheses are used just to make it clearer.
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